Frequently Asked Questions
MCM offers complimentary standard shipping on all orders. Additionally, we offer expedited services within - the costs & conditions are as follows:
• DHL Standard Shipping - €0.00
(Order received within 2-5 business days (from the time you receive shipping confirmation email)
• DHL Next Day Shipping* - €25.00 ( non-refundable )
(Order received the next business day)
• For the DHL next day delivery, order must be placed before 12.30 EU Time (Mo-Fri) and pass internal credit approval
• MCM will only deliver your package to the address that was requested when your order was placed. We don’t re-route any packages
• Please note that we require an adult signature for all deliveries and therefore do not ship to PO Boxes
• Please note that these services are unavailable for Saturday and Sunday delivery
• Please note that orders are not processed on Saturdays or Sundays or during public holidays
MCM Online store is currently available in United States, Korea, Austria, France, Germany, Switzerland, United Kingdom, Belgium, Luxembourg, Denmark, Poland, Czech Republic, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Sweden, Finland and the Netherlands. Please note that in Europe we only ship to Mainland of each country. Any orders placed outside of our delivery destinations will be automatically cancelled.
Please note that we will continue to expand to additional countries.
Your order will be shipped in a neutral box to protect your shipment from theft. Your order will be wrapped in tissue paper and packed in special MCM paper bags or boxes. Accessories and shoes will be boxed while handbags & large leather goods will be delivered in an MCM fabric bag for protection.
Have a question or concern? Our Customer Service team is available Monday to Friday from 9 a.m. until 8 p.m., excluding Bank Holidays.
Or send us an email on